sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2015


By, Clara Patricia Villabona. The Winner’s Team.
Education has been running various forms or models as the Ausbel, Vigostky just to name some of the many professionals learning over the years; different theories of learning were essentially concerned the way of how you learn, leaving aside the what is learned, who learn about design, guide, guide and collaborate in and on the way to find the great significance of learning applied to life and not live to study.
Live to study we can be formed or perhaps shaped by different types of teachers who feel the work of teach sometimes with a minimum of personal satisfaction, hard run or frustration, sometimes while learning applied to life we find very likely made teachers personally and professionally, developing the great task of teaching learning and evaluation of fun way allowing to develop innovation, creativity, giving meaning to each of the tours and finding a target real and working life. These teachers enjoy their professional Studio taking us through guidance, support, advice, allowing collaborative work, trust, and mutual credibility of the student and the teacher, in a variety of environments, all this, focused on achieving a learning for life.
So, as the Haaga Helia University developed a whole program for teachers professional training with a focus on Areas of expertise and evaluation criteria, as we can see it then;
Would according to the above leaps to my mind a series of questions whose answers can be found to say that our work of educational professionals should be a continuous process of evaluation and permanent reflection, the, what?, how? and for what?, developing my teaching work, collaboration and coherence to the current productive work environment, fostering community learning environments with students, family, company, other teachers and enabling research and development of a comprehensive training.
Our professional teaching work, must allow the student be permanently motivated, have full confidence both in our professional, educational, skills of relationship and collaboration with my colleagues, with the community, with the family, with working life.
It is as well as vocational education must be based on a profession, relating to competence in working life, the pedagogical competences, pedagogy is a way of interpreting the education, to build knowledge in favour of solving problems of social and productive. This is how the professional teacher must have the ability to design strategies, environments and activities that enable student to visualize the future, serving as a productive being, as professional teachers must be able to accept the change of methods and labor strategies thus make an investigation according to the progress in different industrial sectors, facilitating activities of teaching - learning and evaluation with relevancecoherence and effectiveness to the current working life.
In Colombia, speaking of excellent teachers, but tied the excellence with the basic skills of mathematics, science, literacy, coexistence, leaving in the unseen or without mention or present a holistic education, according to the globalization of working life.
Today's students questioned permanently the what serves me, how and where to apply the information received from the primary, secondary, and University School, questions that sometimes are not resolved by teachers, since these do not have not had a relationship with the professional working life.
The technological advances used in an expert manner by students, such as social networks, local, national and foreign communities, sometimes are rejected by the teachers, because there is a commitment to applied research to propose new and up-to-date methods of teaching/learning and assessment, i.e., develop the capacity for "Research in the classroom".


C:\Users\CLARA PATRICIA\Pictures\HAAGA HELIA\AGOSTO 26\IMG_20140826_160802458.jpgC:\Users\CLARA PATRICIA\Pictures\HAAGA HELIA\AGOSTO 26\IMG_20140826_103402148 - Copy.jpg

Video by Irmeli Pietila. Orientation to the program H-D
Study guide of the vocational teacher training program. Haag Helia- SENA – 2014.

Study guide of the vocational teacher training program. Haag Helia- SENA – 2014
Investigación en el aula. Guía del profesor, David Hopkins.
Study guide of the vocational teacher training program. Haaga-Helia. SENA- 2014

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