domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015

implementing the practice with de electronics

3 comentarios:

  1. Good to see you and your students in action this time !
    In this session, there are examples of teaching by
    -lecturing (mostly interactive)
    -drawing and writing on the whiteboard while speaking
    -showing and demonstrating (use of equipment)
    -asking questions
    -answering questions to the group and also individually

    The atmosphere is quite relaxed and most probably conducive to learning.
    The physical environment is very open.

    Did everything go according to the original plan ?
    How did you find the sitting arrangement ? Were all students able to see the whiteboard and easily take notes from the board ?
    What did you do differently in this session ?
    What will you do differently next time ?

    Bw David

  2. and one more question
    Do students have the chance to use the equipment individually or in small groups at some point during the session or the course ?

  3. Hi David

    My comment about your questions

    The execution of the activity occurred according to plan, and it was very satisfying to see how my trainees and I, we share very kindly learning different times.
    One thing that I did differently, more didactic, was the beginning of the activity, with a simple but very interesting teaching technique and successful satisfaction and understanding by trainees, I did not need to repeat several times objective and strategy to develop this.
    The learning environment, will send photos where we can observe about the accommodation of PC tables for each of the trainees (25 teams) and also a laboratory tables for practical activities.
    Generally teachers conducted a planning training for weeks or even months in some cases, but we have forgotten the planning for class session, which will return and will perform given times like before, during and after. And applying the active learning techniques.
