domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015


Reflections about my teaching practice. By. Clara Patricia Villabona. Since the formation impart my absolutely technical apprentice immediate practice this leads me to be very proactive in the design of the activities undertaken, especially since they must motivate acquire basic knowledge in technical, safety at work, environmental care. When you start training with my apprentices, apply the technique given by our guardian Katri which I called closing his eyes with which trainees understand fully achieved the objectives of the activity was very productive for both apprentices and me . LEARNING OUTCOMES DEVELOPED. • Diagnosing faults and defects in equipment manuals and in accordance with international standards. • Perform the safety of maintenance work on the job. • Develop technical documentation of the repair process. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE TO PRACTICE Apprentices required knowledge as different computer equipment that can be found on the market and users, identifying their technical characteristics, learners should acquire basic knowledge related electronics with computers, software diagnostic tools and safety at work . For this work in addition to the explanations given by me, the object scan methodology, which leads us to inquire about those technological objects around us or not, as its history, manufacturing techniques, skills applied for operation and anatomical description, essential in our work of maintenance of computer equipment. In this session of teaching practice is that we should apply different strategies, teaching methodology and to make motivating learners, also it should not be very long duration in time of explanation by the instructor. TRAINEES DURING PRACTICE It is the most motivating for our apprentices given the pedagogical model of our institution SENA, where we are to work in a holistic and systematic manner, bearing in mind all the basic knowledge to develop practical time. During this activity practice evaluation it was applied through a checklist which was released prior to the trainees. ENDING THE ACTIVITY. During these activity learners a questionnaire, they worked with a simulator of the above assembly equipment online through the internet. Also they documented and socialized the entire group knowledge acquired through presentations and study related to the different types of maintenance applied to computer equipment cases. To end my reflection, I consider vital as I could see in a video on education in Finland not only in primary but also vocational the plan very well the different stages of a teaching session such as the before, during and then, bearing in mind some ideas as time instructors speak during the teaching session should not exceed 40% of the time schedule, performing the instant feedback finalizing any presentation help learners done. I want to emphasize how important and helpful it is to identify the learning styles of my learners, so hopefully distribute computers with members of different learning styles. In the Seine during the first days of apprentices in personnel welfare institution to the learner, apply the test of Learning Styles Honey, and I personally applied the test VARK throwing similar results. Finally also reflect on practice with instructors teaching colleagues, which also applied the teaching of closing his eyes among others, leading to substantially enhance participation of instructors and commitment to activity, in conclusion, we must always take our scenario of teaching various active learning techniques. PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD APPRENTICES

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